Fellowship Kansas City,

The 11 year story of our church is one marked by the continual faithfulness of our God. With each season, God has never ceased to show His hand of kindness upon us. As our church continues to grow spiritually, it also continues to grow numerically.

As our community grows around us, God is also bringing more of this community to FellowshipKC. With record Sunday attendance numbers through 2024, our Pastors and staff have been praying through what a faithful response to God’s work looks like.  

Through much prayer, counsel, and discussion, and  consistent with our vision and mission to reach the Northland and beyond with the Gospel of Jesus by multiplying Disciples together, God is leading us to multiply our Sunday services this Fall, 2024.

As God continues to grow our church, we are faithfully responding by launching a 3rd worship service along with two new classes on Sunday mornings beginning August 18, 2024.

New Worship Service Times

By launching a 3rd worship service we will be able to better accommodate our current congregation, and allow room to reach our guests and visitors.

With the addition of a 3rd  service, our Sunday morning service times will adjust on Aug. 18 to the following:

8:00 | 9:30 | 11:00 a.m.



What New Class Offerings are Available?
3rd-5th grade class at 11:00 a.m.
Student (6th-12th grade) class at 11:00 a.m.

These new classes will allow every child and student the opportunity to be discipled in a small group format on Sunday mornings.

This move will also remove criteria that limits families from the decision to worship at multiple service times. Never before has full discipleship programming been available for all ages during multiple worship hours at FKC.

How Will This Effect Where I Serve on Sunday Morning?
Thank you for serving at FellowshipKC! For many of our volunteers, there will be no substantial changes on Sunday mornings. If, however your area of ministry is impacted by our new service times, the leader of that ministry will reach out to you regarding those changes.

If you are unsure of ministry changes, or are looking for a new opportunity to serve the church on Sunday mornings, please fill out this form by clicking this link!

Which Worship Service Should I Attend?
All three worship services are identical. You are welcome to worship at any of the 3 service times!

However, here are a few additional details that may help your decision.

There will be no children’s ministry or adult fellowship groups meeting during the 8:00 a.m. service time.

During both the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. service times there is full discipleship programming offered for all ages. Our children’s ministry offers programming for babies through 5th grade, student ministry for grades 6th – 12th grade, and adult Fellowship Group offerings for all ages. Thus, we recommend choosing an option that works best for your family to both worship and attend a discipleship class.

What Time Do Services and Classes Begin and Conclude?
8:00 – 9:15am | 9:30 – 10:45am | 11:00 – 12:15pm