Fellowship Groups is your opportunity to have deep, Gospel community. Our Fellowship groups meet in our classroom space downstairs, during one of our Sunday services. Each group is going through their own study, however they share a similar heartbeat and vision. We hope to see our church engaging in Christian community and growing through discipleship relationships. Are you interested in joining a group? Want to know more about a specific group? Click the button below!

9:30 a.m.

Students Group | 6th-12th grade
Students are going through the Bible Project Curriculum and are on track to study through the entire Bible!

Wyatt Group | 30's and 40's
The Wyatt group is currently going Ephesians!

Coghlan Group | 50's and Older
The Coghlan group is going through the Book of Romans!

11:00 a.m.

Raw Group | 20's and 30's
The Raw Group just started walking through the minor prophets after finishing the gospel of Matthew!

Students Group | 6th-12th grade
Students are going through the Bible Project Curriculum and are on track to study through the entire Bible!

Holan Group | 40's and 50's 
The Holan group is going through Ephesians!


Young Professionals | 18's and 30's 
The Young Pros group is going through a study titled "Instruments in the Redeemers Hands: People in need of Change, helping People in need of Change